Hi there! Welcome to a commentary sort of thing for Shiny Plastic Teeth! I felt like I shouldn�t do this because it seems sort of egotistical and self-important to write about myself. But I have always really enjoyed hearing about the thought process and songwriting of the bands that I like, so maybe someone will enjoy this! And it�s partially just me being self-indulgent lol. Punchline Of A Cigarette This is the only song that got a ����demo���� posted to the Auxiliarycord channel, as it was the first one I wrote. I don�t think the lyrics are too cryptic on this one, it�s just about that feeling that sharing your problems with someone else will be a burden to them. The guitar in the choruses was the last thing I added to the song, that might be obvious because I don�t know if it blends in very well, but I think it adds a little crunch that the song was lacking. Citruses And Cavities Coming up with a really really stupid metaphor and then turning it into a whole song! Definitely something I would never do! Not the most profound lyrics ever but I like the way the words sound with the melody and for me, that�s more important. The wobbly little guitar parts leading up the chorus are the first and only time so far that I�ve used the whammy bar. Is it a very good use of it? No, but it�s something! Band Practice Not so much a song, but an attempt to cure writer�s block and to leave some breathing room on the album. Myocardial! This song is just about having a heart attack! It has no deeper meaning but if anyone interprets something from it then cool I guess. I just wanted an energetic rock song where I didn�t have to think too hard about the lyrics. The guitar solo was fun. A Glitch In Time And Space The lyrics in this one got pretty non-literal by the time I got to the chorus, but I decided to just go with it. Usually the more non-literal the lyrics I write are, the more I end up liking them. But the verses are still pretty grounded. It�s just about feeling that life is going way too fast and that something has gone wrong in the timeline for things to be the way they are. The beeping sound in the chorus is a chopped up bit of morse code. Oh and this was my favourite track at the time of the album�s release, which is why it got the music video. Making this music video was much different than making Fangirl or Keep It PG because there wasn't much in terms of "performance" sections. All the parts where I'm not singing are just snippets of my daily life. I don't know why I did that. I think this video was more about presenting a feeling than a story or a look. Yeah. Ink Splatter Love Letter I�ll be honest, as of now (June 2023) I find this song�s lyrics Very Embarrassing! My intent was to write a song about my disinterest in romance and writing an empty love song, but at some point the lyrics took a bad turn and ended up a lot more smug than I would�ve liked. Even at the time of the album�s release I didn�t really like the lyrics, but I didn�t dislike them, and I liked the music part of the song enough to put it on the album. The musical part really isn�t that great, but the synth solo is alright. Way too much reverb on the vocals though what was I thinking. �dance This one was so much fun to make!! Obviously it�s very inspired by Eurodance (hence the title) and I did later realize that I accidentally stole the riff at the beginning from another song that I can�t remember the title of right now. But honestly every eurodance song has basically the same synth hook so whatever. But don�t take that the wrong way I love the genre! It�s super formulaic and cheesy but my parents always played it in the car when I was little so it holds a special place in my heart <3 Green Blue Red Pink Oh great back to serious songs! I did sort of try to hide what this song is about, but I don�t know if I was successful at that. So it�s about cutting. That�s it that�s what its about. I think it�s the best song on the album though, both lyrically and musically. I don�t know what else to say about this one. To Tell Computers And Human Apart The title of this one comes from what CAPTCHA stands for. It�s about someone figuring out that they�re a robot and all the things that they thought made them human were fake. No intended metaphor, but there�s probably something there if you look hard enough. Also kind of inspired by a weird feeling I get if I stare at the wall for too long that nothing is real. Another one that was really fun to make though! Daisy, Are You Still Alive? Token slow song. No metaphors here and I�m not going to talk about the lyrics. Plastic Skeleton Stars In His Own Teen Drama This one�s lyrics are super melodramatic and the title is very Fall Out Boy-ish, but yeah. High school is always made out to be this magical time by movies and stuff but I have realized it definitely isn�t. Best bassline on the album also. Oh and the synth was a last minute addition to the song so it�s kind of the opposite to Punchline Of A Cigarette. Get Your Hands Out My Cereal A (poor) attempt at breakbeat. Was going to have lyrics originally, but decided it was better without. Lucky Maybe the only good-ish metaphor on the album! It�s just about how so many people create stuff so the chance being noticed are very slim. The drums were made using an 8 bit plug-in, that was fun to do. Also sorry for the glitchy noises at the end haha.