(No one has ever asked most of this but I have a lot of thoughts and a lot of free time.)

Why a Neocities site?

FIGHTING THE FIGHT AGAINST UGLY BAND WEBSITES!! I think there's something so cool about a personal, customized website. Sure, you can customize a Carrd or Wix site or whatever to some extent, but HTML offers a whole lot more options, and few people take the effort to craft a website by hand anymore. I hate band websites that are just like- a photo of the band and then BUY OUR MOST RECENT ALBUM, BUY OUR TSHIRTS, BUY TICKETS. And they're all vertical. IDK just not my cup of website design. I get why they exist, they're convenient, straight to the point, and usually optimized for mobile, but damn they are ugly.

Why don't you have any social media?

I hate it! I hate it so much! (alright youtube is okay)

But don't you care about people finding your music?

Not really. I can't speak for Jeremy or Unspecified, but I make music for myself because I enjoy it. I don't care if no one hears it. Of course I love that people have found it and connect with it, and we super appreciate anyone who listens!! It's just not our #1 priority.

Why isn't your music on streaming?

Don't feel like it! I get that it's less convenient for people but hey, Bandcamp and Youtube exist! All our music is free, just download it!

What's with all the nostalgia bait?

Ok I'll be real, sometimes I worry that our whole look and "vibe" (for lack of a better word) might come off as cheap nostalgia bait. But to be honest I'm not even old enough to remember when the internet looked like this, so there's no nostalgia in this for me. Sorry millenials I'm stealing ur stuff! I got into a lot of 2000's music in middle school, and then by extension I got really interested in the whole sort of late 2000's emo/scene cringey internet culture. TL;DR, we aren't nostaligic on purpose, but if we remind you of a myspace band I'm not opposed! It's just a result of what I liked as 12 year old.

What's the point of all of this?????

Just to make stuff and enjoy it!! To make music that's fun and honest and nerdy and kinda stupid sometimes! To make music with no attempt to be professional or even necessarily good. I love earnest, shameless, slightly tasteless self expression, so this just makes sense. I'll use all the gifs, all the kaomojis, and all the cheesy synths and I want!!

Why don't you ever shut up?

Can't help it ;)